Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Best of San Francisco

A week before leaving town, Matt and I spent an evening at our favorite Thai food restaurant and movie theater, reminiscing about our last three years in the City by the sea. We came up with a list of some our favorite haunts and events. I’m sure that if we spent more time on it we could fill pages and pages. What would you add?


Best Movie Theater: The Red Vic

Best Place to Sing: Martuni’s Bar

Best Game Store: Gamescape

Best Cheap Date: Musee Mechanique

Second Best Cheap Date: Green Apple Bookstore and the Aquarium on Clement

Best Neighborhood Museum: The Randal Museum

Best Music Festival: Hardly Strictly Bluegrass


Best Thai Food: Ploy II

Best Ice Cream: Mitchell’s

Best Raw Food: Café Gratitude

Best Bakery: Arizmendi Bakery


Best Bike Ride: The Full Sunset Loop
(Start at the Pan Handle and go through Golden Gate Park to Arugello, then through the Presidio, past the Legion of Honor, around by the Cliff House and come back through Golden Gate Park.)

Best Run: Crissy Field to Baker Beach

Best Weekly Dance Event: Lindy in the Park

Best Race: Bay to Breakers

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